Saturday, February 7, 2015

"if you aren't losing friends, you're not growing up"

This was a quote I recently read and it stood out to me. I have been experiencing this feeling lately, as you can tell by my posts. Friends will come and go but as you grow up and your life begins to change, you began to notice more and more friends turning their backs. This may be a hard bullet to bite at first but think about it this way, you are changing, you aren't the same person you use to be a couple months ago. Especially when you start a new chapter in life, like college or moving to a new city. You see more and more friends disappear from your world, but maybe it seems unfortunate at first but it just means they were not worthy of being a part of your journey. Friends will come and go, but just remember through this process it may be what is best for your life at that point. There are so many people in this world, the true friends will be there no matter what.
Not relating to this post, I will be starting a new blog soon because I want to start fresh and create a new atmosphere and gain more followers. I will post the new ones link when it is up incase I do have any readers, but I currently feel like this is just my personal posting spot.
Peace out readers!
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Good Morning Readers,

Today all I have to say is be yourself and don't let others judge you. Honestly if you let peoples thoughts affect you, you will just fall into a negative mindset. I have ran into this problem recently, I surrounded myself with negative people and they tried to put down and make me notice my flaws. I began to feel crazy. (figuratively speaking, my mental state is okay) I let their thoughts about me affect me and I started to be who they were describing, over thinker and sensitive. So my only message to you is just be yourself because no matter how much you change someone will still judge you and want you to change, its the hard truth. Just do what makes you happy, this life is yours, not theirs!
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Be youself.

Today my lesson to my readers is to be yourself, no matter what others tell you or how they make you feel. I have been learning in my first year of college what a real friend is. There are people you think are your friends because they hang out with you, they are nice people and you like them. But wait a minute, these people constantly make you feel bad about yourself and who you are. I've encountered a number of these "friends" this year. Let me help you before you make these mistakes too!
First, You have to accept the fact that you are not perfect, you have flaws and you make mistakes. You are human, its normal. But, you also have to know what kind of person you want to be and be confident in your identity.
Second, take a step back from your "friend" group and ask yourself if you want to be like them-do you have the same goals as them?- If you answer is no I do not want to be like these people. That's when you know you are hanging out with the wrong people.
Lastly, a true friend. A true friend is someone who has also accepted their own flaws and mistakes but they move on. These people that are confident in who they believe they and who they want to be. They accept their flaws. These are the greatest friends. They don't judge. They don't bring you down when they are down and most of all they make you feel happy. Spending time with these friends won't leave you feeling down or questioning yourself. This rule also applies to love relationships too! Surround yourself with people that make you happy, bring adventure to your life and share the same goals as you.
 The imperfect, the dreamers, the curious, the artists, the writers, the travelers and the adventurous.   
These are the true friends in life!
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Bon jour readers,
I want to first start this blog fresh with a little update on my life. I have started college, I am now in my second semester. I cheer here at my university on the coed team. I am majoring in International Business and Marketing Sales with a minor in French. ( That's why I started with a french twist) I plan to move to New York either after sophomore year, or when I graduate. So, if any of my readers have made a transition like so please comment or email me, I'd love some input and advice! Here is my email: Feel free to email me other questions too! I am going to focus this blog on the simple things I love, as well as any thoughts I may have! I want to keep a positive vibe. I'll try my best to post daily or every other day, but please bear with me! That is a little update with my life and I am excited to start blogging again. Thank you!
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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I want to start this blog back up, but give me a couple weeks to get things up and running! I want to wait for my semester to settle down a bit before I take on too much. I know I don't have many followers yet but my new goal is to get my numbers up. Be patient friends!!
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